Monday, August 16, 2010

Teachers want to beat up students - Which era do we live in?

Recently there were spate of incidents in which some teachers beat up
students badly and in one case very in human manner... In all those
cases the general feeling of the teacher community is that:
(1) It is a discipline
(2) it is done for their own good

There were open remarks by fellow teachers justifying the beating and
they argued that the teacher did it for their own benefit... What a

In this country teaching is cosnidered to be a sacred profession and
teachers are supposed to be gurus for guiding the future of future
citizens. Yet here we are where the teachers are justifying their
horible act of violence in the name of discipline. Is beating up the
only way to discipline students?

If beating up someone is the only way of disciplining, then here is
what we (parent) should propose to the teachers community:
1. We parents should beat up the principals for not hiring good
teachers and/or for bad results in public exams
2. We parents should beat up every teacher who is not keeping up to
date with the subject they teach and/or bad at teaching.
3. We should beat up those teachers who couldn't produce better
4. We should beat up those principals and other administrative
officials who couldn't maintain toilets properly
5. We should beat up those teachers who come late for school
6. We should beat up those teachers to whose class no students wants
to attend.
7. We should beat up those teachers who doesn't even know what is 'to
teach someone' means.
8. We should beat up those teachers who don't live up to their civi
9. .....(list goes on)........

It is a real shame that teachers think that they can discipline
someone by beating them up; especially kids...

To me, 'it is pure illegal act' by mediocre teachers and they must be
jailed for their illegal and vengeful acts.... if we sent few teachers
to jail then everybody else will toe the line..

I know teachers unionize for their financial and other benefits but
when was the last time they stood up for the profession and/or for

<This is just my opinion and I am sure you have one that is better
than mine>

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