Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hats off to Professional Managers - Did you like your managers?

Not sure about you but by the time I was ready to leave the college to
join the professional job market, I was certain (as was many of my
classmates) & absolutely sure that I didn't want to be working for
government or government controlled enterprises. Over the period I
have come to believe that it was one of the best decisions I made in
my life. Over the last almost two decades that I have been associated
with the professional market place, I have worked for many managers
and I have always had excellent relationship with most of them. The
things I liked about my managers are their 'professionalism and

- They never make me feel that I was subordiante to them (in literal
- They treated me with utmost respect (all good ones!!)
- They gave me lot of personal space and lattitude to try things, play
with ideas..., listening to my views
- They were all men of high integrity
- They never took things personally......
- They never felt intimidated ( yes I can be quite challenging....)
- They usually love challenges and mutual feedback and reinforcement
of ideas....
- They challenged me a lot... I love being challenged and you want a
manager who is willing to take the challenge as well... I have been
very lucky....
- They have always been black and white with me..... straight..... no
skirting around....no politics ever!!
- They were very clear in what they want from me!

and the list goes on...
All in all I have been one of the luckiest... I can't imagine a
similar experience in a government or govt related jobs... I beleive
these are the reasons that the professional market place attracts the
best of the work force that others can't..

So, hats off to all professional managers...

What about you? Share your good experiences with your managers (forget
about the bad lemons and cherish the good ones). I am sure the
professional managers would love to hear the same...

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