Monday, August 16, 2010

Power of ONE!!!

[This is an excellent example of how to leverage RTI and make a difference. I have done it myself but a thrid party story is always a better reference]
[This article was originally published in RTIIndia forum at: ]
A Director (Class-I), Forest and Environment Department [equivalent to rank of Additional Secretary of Govt. of Gujarat] was promoted through bluntant violation of rules of promotion in the year 2003 on adhoc basis. He continued on this sensitive post till today [15-06-2010].
A vigilant citizen Shri Amit B. Jethwa of Khambha village and president of Gir Nature Youth Club [environment NGO] could not tolerate that an officer not eligible for such an important post relating to environment protection, should continue to it. He filed RTI applications with Govt. of Gujarat and Gujarat Public Service Commission and collected all papers and information relating to his promotion. Based on this, he tried to persuade State Govt. to post an eligible and competent person for protection of environment. He knew that entire belt consisting of Baroda, Ankaleshwar, Vapi is engulfed with dangerous chemical pollution and its disaster would be 100 times worst than that of Bhopal.
Since all Govts. now do not understand language other than that of higher judiciary, Shri Jethwa filed petition No. SCA No. 3949 of 2009 under article 226 for quo-warranto writ, in Hon’ble High Court of Gujarat in June 2009. On 15-06-2010 Hon’ble Court issued writ and ordered State Govt. to remove that officer from the post as his promotion was illegal and against rules. Application by concerned officer to stay operation of this order to enable him to appeal in higher court was also declined by the Hon’ble Court.
Shri Jethwa was also instrumental in posting of two additional Information Commissioners in Mar 2010 at Gujarat Information Commission through writ in High Court. He also compelled State Govt. to include postal order as mode of payment for RTI fees/charges in March 2010 through a writ. He has also filed writ for posting of Lokayukta in Gujarat, as post is vacant since 2003. Prior to filing these writs, he had collected information and papers through RTI and based his writs on it.
This shows what ONE MAN can do through RTI.

Teachers want to beat up students - Which era do we live in?

Recently there were spate of incidents in which some teachers beat up
students badly and in one case very in human manner... In all those
cases the general feeling of the teacher community is that:
(1) It is a discipline
(2) it is done for their own good

There were open remarks by fellow teachers justifying the beating and
they argued that the teacher did it for their own benefit... What a

In this country teaching is cosnidered to be a sacred profession and
teachers are supposed to be gurus for guiding the future of future
citizens. Yet here we are where the teachers are justifying their
horible act of violence in the name of discipline. Is beating up the
only way to discipline students?

If beating up someone is the only way of disciplining, then here is
what we (parent) should propose to the teachers community:
1. We parents should beat up the principals for not hiring good
teachers and/or for bad results in public exams
2. We parents should beat up every teacher who is not keeping up to
date with the subject they teach and/or bad at teaching.
3. We should beat up those teachers who couldn't produce better
4. We should beat up those principals and other administrative
officials who couldn't maintain toilets properly
5. We should beat up those teachers who come late for school
6. We should beat up those teachers to whose class no students wants
to attend.
7. We should beat up those teachers who doesn't even know what is 'to
teach someone' means.
8. We should beat up those teachers who don't live up to their civi
9. .....(list goes on)........

It is a real shame that teachers think that they can discipline
someone by beating them up; especially kids...

To me, 'it is pure illegal act' by mediocre teachers and they must be
jailed for their illegal and vengeful acts.... if we sent few teachers
to jail then everybody else will toe the line..

I know teachers unionize for their financial and other benefits but
when was the last time they stood up for the profession and/or for

<This is just my opinion and I am sure you have one that is better
than mine>

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Hats off to Professional Managers - Did you like your managers?

Not sure about you but by the time I was ready to leave the college to
join the professional job market, I was certain (as was many of my
classmates) & absolutely sure that I didn't want to be working for
government or government controlled enterprises. Over the period I
have come to believe that it was one of the best decisions I made in
my life. Over the last almost two decades that I have been associated
with the professional market place, I have worked for many managers
and I have always had excellent relationship with most of them. The
things I liked about my managers are their 'professionalism and

- They never make me feel that I was subordiante to them (in literal
- They treated me with utmost respect (all good ones!!)
- They gave me lot of personal space and lattitude to try things, play
with ideas..., listening to my views
- They were all men of high integrity
- They never took things personally......
- They never felt intimidated ( yes I can be quite challenging....)
- They usually love challenges and mutual feedback and reinforcement
of ideas....
- They challenged me a lot... I love being challenged and you want a
manager who is willing to take the challenge as well... I have been
very lucky....
- They have always been black and white with me..... straight..... no
skirting politics ever!!
- They were very clear in what they want from me!

and the list goes on...
All in all I have been one of the luckiest... I can't imagine a
similar experience in a government or govt related jobs... I beleive
these are the reasons that the professional market place attracts the
best of the work force that others can't..

So, hats off to all professional managers...

What about you? Share your good experiences with your managers (forget
about the bad lemons and cherish the good ones). I am sure the
professional managers would love to hear the same...